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SDBAL Zero Tolerance Policy

Southern Districts Basketball Association Zero Tolerance Policy

1.0 Purpose:

The aim of this policy is to ensure that all officials, parents, and players are aware that SDBAL and BQ have implemented a Zero Tolerance Policy for all domestic and representative basketball, and more recently BQ has also implemented a behaviour framework aimed at spectators as well as players and coaches.
This policy is to ensure a safe and enjoyable playing environment for all players, officials, and parents.
This policy is not aimed at stifling or diminishing healthy supportive cheering but rather to ensure that all support is in a manner deemed appropriate under the SDBAL Codes of Behaviour.

2.0 Policy:

There will be zero-tolerance shown towards any inappropriate or abusive behaviour from players, officials, or parents.
Inappropriate and abusive behaviour is considered to include, but not be limited to, the persistent or wilful questioning or challenging of the rulings or opinions of:

a. Referees or score table personnel;
b. Team officials;
c. Court controllers;
d. Referee supervisors;
e. Association or BQ representatives; or
f. Other parents or spectators.


Breach of this policy will result in the offending person being asked to leave the venue immediately by the court controller. No warnings are required to be given if this action becomes necessary.

In addition to spectator behaviour being monitored by the Court Controller, if at any stage during a game a referee believes a spectator is displaying poor behaviour, they may stop the game and ask the Court Controller to observe and monitor the spectator. The Court Controller will take any actions they deem necessary after observing the spectator.
Any breaches of the Zero Tolerance Policy that occur during a representative game are to be reported by the Association Representative to BQ. BQ will review the Report and decide on whether further action is required under the Queensland Basketball Model Disciplinary Tribunals By-law.

Any breaches of the Zero Tolerance Policy that occur during a domestic game are to be reported by the Court Controller via the appropriate form. The SDBAL judiciary panel will review the Report and decide whether further action is required.