Southern Districts Basketball Association Junior Representative Player Travel Policy
1.0 Purpose:
The aim of this policy is to ensure that all parents and players are aware of the minimum standards required regarding travel to and from the Queensland State Championships for all players selected into a SDBAL Junior Representative team. While traveling it must be remembered that players, coaches, managers, and those associated with the team are representing SDBAL. At no stage should the name or reputation of SDBAL, BQ, or their sponsors be brought into disrepute.
2.0 Travel Policy:
In accepting a position in a SDBAL Junior Representative team, parents agree to the following conditions:
2.1 Team management costs:
a. Teams are required to cover the standard travel costs (airfare, accommodation, team meals) of the Head Coach, Assistant Coach, and Manager (“the team management”) during the Tournament (regardless of whether they are related to a player).
b. Wherever possible, the team management should share a room to reduce costs to the team.
c. In the event of a dispute between the team management and a parent in relation to team management costs, the ultimate decision will rest with the SDBAL General Manager or an appointed staff member.
2.2 Travel to the Tournament:
a. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that their child is available at the Tournament location at the time and date agreed by the team management.
b. Teams who elect to travel together are required to wear approved SDBAL apparel while travelling.
c. Any vehicles hired by a team must only be driven in accordance with the rental agreement.
d. Drivers must maintain a zero-drug and zero-alcohol limit while driving a team vehicle or with team members in the vehicle.
e. When traveling, any damage to the transportation must be paid for by the team concerned as no costs will be accepted by SDBAL.
f. In the event of a dispute between the team management and a parent in relation to travel, the ultimate decision will rest with the SDBAL General Manager or an appointed staff member.
2.3 Accommodation while travelling:
a. Accommodation will be booked by the travel agent with the criteria of one athlete per bed. Adults are at no stage to be in accommodation areas alone with individual junior players Reviewed January 2024 (excluding ‘parent & own child’ and social spaces, lounge, kitchen or in a medical emergency).
b. When traveling, any damage to accommodation establishments must be paid for by the team concerned as no costs will be accepted by SDBAL.
c. In the event of a dispute between the team management and a parent in relation to accommodation, the ultimate decision will rest with the SDBAL General Manager or an appointed staff member.
2.4 SDBAL Travel Policy Information 2024 U12 Representative Teams – Northside & Toowoomba
• All players are to stay with parents/guardian in own accommodation and find own transport.
• Toowoomba – Teams are required to cover the standard travel costs (accommodation, fuel, meals) of the Head Coach, Assistant Coach, and Manager (“the team management”) during the Tournament (regardless of whether they are related to a player).
U14 Representative Teams- Cairns & Rockhampton
• The SDBA travel agent will make all bookings.
• The SDBA travel agent will book all accommodation, ground transport and airfares for the state champs for athletes and coaches.
• Athletes will be given an estimate of the costs of accommodation, ground transport and airfares at the first trial.
• If families choose for athletes to travel privately, they will retain responsibility for the cost of the flight booked by SDBA and will need to arrive by the time prescribed by SDBA.
U16 Representative Teams – Logan & Southwest
• All players to stay with parents/guardian in own accommodation and find own transport to and from games. U18 Representative Teams – Gold Coast
• All players to stay with parents/guardian in own accommodation and find own transport to and from games.
• Gold Coast- Teams are required to cover the standard travel costs (accommodation, fuel, meals) of the Head Coach, Assistant Coach, and Manager (“the team management”) during the Tournament (regardless of whether they are related to a player).
• Note: U16 & U18 teams can choose to stay together, if they do so this will be organised by the coaching staff and team manager. The decision to stay together must be unanimous. SDBAL take no responsibility for the travel or accommodation.
2.5 SDBAL Travel Policy Information 2025 U12 Representative Teams- Northside
• All players to stay with parents/guardian in own accommodation and find own transport to and from games.
U14 Representative Teams – Cairns & Townsville
• The SDBA travel agent will make all bookings.
• The SDBA travel agent will book all accommodation, ground transport and airfares for the state champs for athletes and coaches.
• Athletes will be given an estimate of the costs of accommodation, ground transport and airfares at the first trial.
• If families choose for athletes to travel privately, they will retain responsibility for the cost of the flight booked by SDBA and will need to arrive by the time prescribed by SDBA.
U16 Representative Teams – Logan & North Gold Coast
• All players to stay with parents/guardian in own accommodation and find own transport to and from games. U18 Representative Teams – Gold coast
• All players to stay with parents/guardian in own accommodation and find own transport to and from games.
• Gold Coast- Teams are required to cover the standard travel costs (accommodation, fuel, meals) of the Head Coach, Assistant Coach, and Manager (“the team management”) during the Tournament (regardless of whether they are related to a player).
• Note: U16 & U18 teams can choose to stay together, if they do so this will be organised by the coaching staff and team manager. The decision to stay together must be unanimous. SDBAL take no responsibility for the travel or accommodation.