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Player Selection Policy

SDBAL Player Selection Policy – All Levels

1.0 Purpose and applicability: The aim of this policy is to ensure that all trialists are aware of the minimum standards required and the evaluation criteria that will be applied for determining their suitability for selection into a SDBAL Representative team, either Junior or Senior. All trialling players agree to be bound by the SDBAL master code of conduct 

2.0 Eligibility Criteria:

Players must meet the following requirements to be eligible for selection in a SDBAL Junior or Senior Representative team (including NBL1, and QSL):

1. Must be a registered member of SDBAL.

2. Must be a registered member of a SDBAL club (unless given an exemption to this clause by the General Manager).

3. Must have no outstanding debts with SDBAL.

4. Must attend all trials as determined by SDBAL. Players unable to attend 1 or more of the scheduled representative trials are required to complete and lodge a SDBAL trial exemption form.

5. Must be available to attend all SQJBC games, Queensland State Championships, or Senior Games and Practices where required. Please note that all SQJBC games are now played on Sundays. Players who move from another association are initially exempt from criteria 1 and 2 above. However, a transfer to SDBAL is required prior to trialling. If selected, they must immediately move to also satisfy criteria 1 and 2 above.

3.0 Selection Criteria:

SDBAL is committed to selecting players who have been assessed as demonstrating the required level of fundamental skills, court craft, and attitude. This process of player assessment requires individual selectors to draw on their own levels of expertise to evaluate each trialist against a standard set of criteria. In addition, factors such as team dynamics, any withdrawals from prior year teams, past playing performance and any specific requirements identified by the team head coach will be considered. SDBAL acknowledges that subjectivity in this assessment process is therefore unavoidable. To maximise the opportunity for all players to be given a fair and equitable trial, the following process will therefore be adopted.

4.0 Selection Process:

1. Requests for player registrations and the nomination deadlines will be advertised via the SDBAL website and other relevant social media.

2. Applications will be checked to ensure that all trialists are existing SDBAL players or that a transfer has been completed.

3. Applications will be checked to ensure that all trialists are considered “financial” by SDBAL and do not have outstanding aged debts. Such debts must be paid (or a payment plan agreed to) prior to being considered for selection.

4. A minimum of 2 trials will be held for each age group.

5.0 Trial Format

1. At the first trial, players will be assigned a trial number and have it written on their arms. This number will remain the same across the entire trial process.

2. Team lists will be given to the SDBAL RBO or their appointed representative for approval. Final decisions on team selections lie with the RBO.

3. Players will have a specified period of time within which they must accept their position and pay their deposit.

4. If a selected player withdraws from their position, SDBAL reserves the right to immediately select a replacement from the team below, from the original trial list or from any other source that they deem appropriate.