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Referees – How to Get Started

So you’re interested in becoming a referee…here’s a few things you should know.

Just like learning to play basketball, learning to referee takes time, practice and determination. Just like being a player, refereeing the game can also be incredibly rewarding and satisfying.

When you learn how to referee basketball, you are supported every step of the way. Our referee program allows us to ‘ease’ you into the learning process.

You start off by joining one of our Beginner Referee Schools, which are run twice per year. We’ll take you through the rules of the game, where to stand (and run!), where you should be looking, and what we do as referees. You then get to ‘shadow’ (or follow) a more experienced referee on the court, experiencing what it’s like to be a referee without the pressure of having to make any calls.

As you progress and become more confident, you will move from ‘shadowing’ to refereeing opposite your partner, with a more experienced referee to ‘back-you-up’ on the court. In this way you will be calling the game but still have someone supporting you.

Continued on court practical and theoretical coaching continues as you progress through the different referee grades. Who knows, you might go on to referee QBL or in our National Leagues, or maybe even the Olympics?

To find out more about refereeing at SDBAL contact our Referee Development Officer – Jason Haigh – by email via