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Officials Code of Conduct

Southern Districts Basketball Association Coaches, Managers and Officials

Code of Conduct

1.0 Purpose:

The aim of this document is to ensure that all coaches, managers and officials are aware of the minimum standards required following their appointment as an official within the
SDBAL Domestic and Representative program.

2.0 Officials Requirements:

a. Abide by the SDBAL Master Code of Conduct
b. Abide by the SDBAL Zero Tolerance Policy.
c. Always conduct myself in a professional manner.
d. Carry out my duties to the best of my ability.
e. Support and always assist my head coach within the guidelines outlined by them.
f. Wear appropriate attire to all trainings and games.
g. Build a positive team culture where all players feel included and relevant.
h. Ensure that any physical contact with a young person is appropriate to the situation and necessary for the players’ skill development.
i. Encourage the development of all team members across the season.
j. Foster strong coach-player relationships with all team members.
k. Provide clear, concise, and relevant feedback.
l. Treat other coaches, players, officials, parents, and spectators (including opponents) with respect.
m. Establish open communication lines with parents and make myself available for discussions with parents at a suitable time for both parties if required.
n. Attend required SDBAL coaches’ meetings/workshops.
o. Participate in the SDBAL mentoring program by maintaining regular contact with the SDBAL Coaching Director (or their appointed Coaching Officer) to enable individual coach development and to ensure consistency in the delivery of the SDBAL style of play (where applicable).