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Coach/Manager Code of Conduct

Southern Districts Basketball Association Coach/Manager Code of Conduct

Southern Districts Spartans has a long and proud history. Coaches, assistant coaches and managers of representative team play an important role in helping the Association to carry-on that legacy by fostering participation and development, as well as by being a good role model and encouraging a positive attitude.
As a coach / manager of a SDBA Domestic or Representative team, I agree to abide by the SDBA Master Code of Conduct as well as abide by the following –


1. Represent SDBA in a positive way by respecting the game, encouraging a positive sporting attitude when coaching / managing my team, and by accepting the decisions of the referees / officials, regardless of whether I agree with them.
2. Treat all coaches, players, officials, parents, and spectators (including opponents), as I would like to be treated. I will respect the rights, dignity and feelings of others regardless of their gender, any disability, their race, colour, age, or ethnic origin.
3. Encourage each child to train and play to the very best of their ability, to practice their skills outside of organised training sessions, and to support their teammates both on and off of the court.
4. Help the players on my team to understand and accept their role on the team.
5. Abide by the SDBA Zero Tolerance Policy which aims to prevent inappropriate or abusive behaviour.
6. Refrain from, and I will continually remind players to refrain from, engaging in negative or destructive discussions or comments, or posting on any forms of social media about coaches, players, officials, parents, and spectators (including opponents).
7. Be responsible for my attitude (including tone and body language) and behaviour.
8. Ensure that any physical contact with a player is appropriate, is used to assist in skill development or required for the child’s safety, occurs with the player’s understanding and permission, and occurs in an open environment.
9. Not approach players from other SDBA Clubs to join the Club or Club team that I am affiliated with.
10. Establish open lines of communication with parents and make myself available for discussions with parents at a suitable time for both parties if required.

Player Welfare

1. Build a positive team culture where all players feel included and relevant, foster strong coach – player relationships with all team members, and give clear, concise, and constructive feedback when coaching.
2. Encourage the development of all players across the season by ensuring that all team members receive adequate court time consistent with their ability, attendance and the Division played by the team.
3. Be reasonable in my demands on players’ time and commitment.
4. Show concern and caution towards sick and injured players and follow the advice of medical professionals when determining whether a player is ready to re-commence training or competition.

Coach & Managers Commitment (points 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 13 are primarily for coaches)

1. Attend all Junior Representative Team Trials, UPS sessions and coaches’ meetings / workshops for the relevant age group and gender.
2. When approved by SDBA, provide a letter to the players and their parents introducing the coaches and manager, setting out the expectations for the team, and communicating training schedules (if known).
3. Attend all scheduled training sessions including being adequately prepared, teaching players the skills and concepts, and communicating with the intention of helping each child better understand.
4. Attend all SQJBC games as well as the appropriate Queensland State Championships for my team.
5. Deliver the SDBA Style of Play as documented and directed by the Representative Basketball Officer (RBO).
6. Assist with the appointments of assistant coaches and managers, as well as adding/removing players from the team (if necessary), noting that these decisions are to be negotiated with the RBO. If required, the Junior Representative Committee will be consulted, and their decision is final.
7. Abide by the player selections that are determined by the SDBA appointed selection panel for the respective age group and gender, noting that final decisions on player selections rest with the RBO.
8. Obtain the required coaching accreditations prior to the season starting and stay up to date with the latest
coaching trends and practices.
9. Obtain a Blue Card prior to having any contact with players, and prior to attending any trainings or games.
10. Report any adverse incidents (including technical fouls, unsportsmanlike behaviour, etc), attributed to the team to the relevant person for domestic competitions or at either SQJBC games or State Championships, to the RBO as soon as possible after the event.
11. Comply with the SDBA Travel Policy when attending the Queensland State Championships.
12. Wear SDBA attire to all trainings and games.
13. Direct my efforts / passion into the process of coaching, of improving players, and developing a team. A committed coach should seek to build on the knowledge base they have as well as update their skills in the mental, physical, technical and tactical components of the game.
If it is determined that a coach or manager has breached this Code of Conduct, then SDBA may impose a penalty on the coach or manager depending on the breach, which may include such things as removing the coach or manager from the Representative team for one or more games, and restriction of that coach or manager from being selected for future Teams.