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Junior Domestic Competition

Southern Districts Basketball Association facilitates Junior and Senior competitions. We are the largest Junior Domestic competition in Queensland with over 430 teams and 4,300 participants across all junior competitions.

We have a range of clubs and schools which participate in our Junior Club competitions. Our competitions operate year round and are split into Summer and Winter seasons.

Games are played on a Sunday (U20 Men), Wednesday (Youth Girls), Friday night (U16-U18 Boys, U14-U16 Girls) & Saturday morning (U8 Mixed, U10-U14 Boys, U8-U12 Girls) across multiple venues in the area.

To join a club team for weekly competitions and training sessions contact one of our clubs.

All participants in Junior Club competitions must pay player registration fees which covers Basketball Queensland registration and the players Southern Districts membership (bi-annual payment). Each club has a different structure for Sign-On Fees, Game Fees and Training Fees.

If your child is new to the sport, a number of clubs may offer the chance to come and train for a few weeks as a soft introduction to basketball in a non-competitive environment. For kids aged between 4 – 8 years old check out our Beginner Program.

To access fixtures and results please follow the link below.

Southern Districts Basketball Association (“SDBAL”) Junior Domestic Competition By-Laws – Winter 2024/Summer 2024-25


1.0           Competition Structure


1.1          The year shall be divided into two competition seasons known as “Winter” (School Terms 2 & 3) and “Summer” (School terms 4 & 1).

1.2          For the purpose of this document, a “Club” is any team or collection of teams that play under the same name.

1.3          Games will be played in accordance with the FIBA Official Basketball Rules prevailing at the time unless otherwise specified in this document.


2.0           Age Limits


2.1         Age limits and competition structures shall be as determined by SDBAL.

Summer and Winter Season – Under the age of the prescribed competition (8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20) on the 31st of December in the year which the competition concludes.

2.2         i) All players must play in their correct age group. If a club cannot field a team in a player/s age group, a written submission must be made by the club to the Competitions Manager to seek approval for them to play in a higher age group only.

  1. ii) A player may play any number of games in the next higher age group without affecting that player’s eligibility to play in his/her normal age group, however, if a player does not meet finals eligibility in their correct age group, then they will not qualify for any higher age group Players can play in a higher age group for a given round ONLY IF they have played in their own age group also.

2.3         Age Limits apply to the Youth League competition.

  1. i) Only players who qualify for U16 and older can participate in the Youth League Girls
  2. ii) Players carry their individual representative classification and points based off3.2 ruling.

iii) A player is not classified as ‘aging up’ when participating in Youth League.

2.4         Should any doubt exist over a player’s age, the Competitions Manager may require the player’s guardians to supply proof of his/her date of birth.

2.5         The minimum age for a player to be eligible to play in the competition is five (5). The player is able to commence playing at 4 as long as he/she turns 5 at some point during the season in which they commence.

2.6         DOB exemptions can be requested by clubs to the Competitions Manager on a case- by-case basis. Any decision made by the Competitions Manager in relation to

granting or denying DOB exemptions is final. These decisions will be made in the best interests of the competition & then the player.


3.0           Team Nominations


3.1         To be eligible to play in a season, each club must complete a team nomination form and pay the required team nomination fee as specified in the attached Fee Schedule.

3.2         In submitting applications to play in the competition, any new clubs must submit details of the colours and combination of colours to be worn by players in teams representing the Club.

3.3         New clubs will be required to enter their teams under uniquely coloured uniforms. To avoid colour clashes, priority will be given to the club with the oldest uniform colour.

3.4         Upon being first accepted by SDBAL Management, the uniform will be regarded as the registered uniform of the Club.

3.5         New teams should not order uniforms until such time as their nominated colour combination is approved by SDBAL.

3.6      Late Entries:

SDBAL will accept a late entry up to Round 4 but clubs will be charged a Late Team Nomination Fee. The team will be entered into the competition at the best opportunity as directed by the Competition Manager’s discretion.


4.0           Team Withdrawals


4.1         Any Club withdrawing a team(s) after the grading period of the season will incur a Team Withdrawal Penalty as specified in the attached Fee Schedule.

4.2         If a Club does not notify the Competitions Manager at least 72 hours prior to the first game of the regular season that a team is to be withdrawn, then the Un-notified Forfeit Fine (outlined in the attached Fee Schedule) will be imposed in addition to the Team Withdrawal Penalty.


5.0           Player Registrations


5.1         Any player wishing to participate in any competition run by SDBAL must be registered online through BQ nominated electronic platform.

5.2         A player registers to play in a club within the competition by completing an online Registration Form. The Registration Form is only completed once, with a paper clearances used to move players between clubs from that point onwards. Once the season has commenced clearances are completed electronically.

5.3         A player remains a registered player of his/her initial club until age prevents participation in the competition, or he/she is cleared to another club.


6.0           Player Clearances (Club to Club)


6.1         Any player wishing to transfer from one club to another at any point before season start must fill in and submit a Player Clearance Form. If a player wishes to transfer from one club to another during the season the transfer will occur through Basketball Connect.

6.2         Transferring players must apply for a clearance, no matter when they last played.

6.3         Players need to make their club aware and provide a Player Clearance Form to the Registrar of the club that they wish to be cleared from. The outgoing club has five (5) business days in which to sign the clearance and return it to the player unless a reason can be given not to clear the player.

6.4         The incoming club has five (5) business days to sign the clearance and return it SDBAL.

6.5         SDBAL will process a fully signed clearances within three (3) business days, if the player is eligible to participate in the competition.

6.6         Players cannot compete for the new club until both their departing club & SDBAL have approved the clearance. It is the responsibility of the new club to ensure the player has been cleared prior to playing them.

6.7         A club can only accept a clearance from one representative player per age group per season for both a male and a female player. A representative player is defined as a player who has played for Southern Districts Spartans, Titans or Trojans Black within the past six months. A Trojans Red or Trojans White player is not considered a representative player for this rule. For this Rule, players shall be considered at their normal age group only. The onus is on the receiving club to ensure compliance with this Rule.

6.8         Only in exceptional circumstances shall more than one ‘Division 1’ or ‘Division 1/2’ representative male and female player be cleared per season and the reason must be stated clearly on the clearance form.

6.9         Transfer of Division 2 and lower grade male and female players shall not be restricted provided that such clearances do not render the losing club unable to field a team in the particular age group for that season.

6.10       Additional clearances may be approved at the discretion of the association. In all cases considered under this discretionary power, both the losing and receiving clubs shall unreservedly endorse the application.

6.11       In exercising this discretion, the association will consider each application on its merits and decide with consideration to both, the desire to ensure that persons wishing to play basketball are not prevented from doing so, while ensuring fairness and equity of the competition is maintained for all participants. Where a sibling of the player seeking a clearance is already playing with the prospective club the clearance becomes automatic.

The association may consider whatever facts and circumstances they deem relevant in reaching any decision.


7.0           Player Transfers (Team to Team)


7.1         Once a season has commenced, a player must apply for a transfer if they wish to move to a different team within their club.

7.2         Games played in a lower division will count towards finals eligibility in a higher division.

7.3         Clubs can submit a transfer for players moving to a higher grade to improve their chances of qualifying for finals. Note: A transfer cannot be lodged after a player has been automatically regraded (e.g. having played five games up in a higher grade).

7.4         Except where a player is a cleared player and therefore subject to the clearance rules, a player may move between teams within a club prior to playing his/her first game for the season, without a transfer.

7.5         Transfers will not be granted automatically. Where the transfer is lodged after grading is completed, the Competitions Manager will seek the advice of the clubs’ contacts as to the affect the transfer would have on the competitiveness, of both the team the player is leaving and the team to which they are going. If the transfer renders either team uncompetitive, the Competitions Manager can elect to reject the transfer.


8.0           Penalties


8.1         Should the Competitions Manager have any doubts as to the details supplied on a registration form, clearance form or transfer request, the Competitions Manager can request whatever proof they believe is warranted to satisfy their enquires.
Any submitted registration form, clearance form and/or transfer request that is subsequently found to be false and/or misleading, will result in the player being classed as ineligible i.e. the forfeit of all games the player participated in.

8.2         A club cannot play a player who is the subject of a clearance or transfer request, until the request is approved. Any club that intentionally ignores this rule, after being formally advised of the players ineligibility (in writing by the Competitions Manager), will forfeit all premiership points for all the club’s teams for the rounds in which the ineligible player played.

8.3         SDBAL has the discretion to impose a fine on a club for every game in which an unregistered player plays, after the Competitions Manager has notified the club that the player is unregistered.


9.0           Grading


9.1         Within each age group, the competition will be divided into divisions.

9.2         Teams will be nominated to specific divisions by their clubs at the time of team entry.

9.3         Under the direction of SDBAL Management, the Competitions Manager will evaluate all team entries and allocate teams to divisions prior to the grading season. Teams are graded based on their ability to play at a specified level.

9.4         Each division must contain a minimum of four (4) teams. The Grading period will be the first 4 weeks of each new season.

9.5         The Competitions Manager will review the performances of the teams and will determine the division to which each team should be assigned, in an endeavour to have all teams placed into a division in which they will be competitive.

9.6         Transfers will be allowed to enable the movement of players prior to Round 1 of the regular season so that the Competitions Manager can endeavour to assess the impact any player movements will have.


9.7      Highly Skilled Team


9.7.1     In the case of a division, where a team or teams (less than four) are believed to have a skill level exceeding the majority of teams within the division, a Grading Panel will be formed for the respective age group for the grading season only. The Grading Panel will be made up of the Head of Basketball and the Coaching Director.

9.7.2     The Grading Panel will advise the Competitions Manager by round four (4), whether they concur with the grading assessment of the Competitions Manager that a team/s has been judged to have a skill level above the majority of teams within the division, thus making the division uncompetitive.

9.7.3     A meeting will be held between the respective Club/s, Grading Panel, & the Competitions Manager to discuss the matter.

9.7.4     The following options will be presented to the Club/s: –

a) Team split and players merged with players from a lower graded team within the relative age group and be graded accordingly.

b) One or more players to be placed in a team in a higher age

c) The entire team to be placed in a higher age group and allocated to a grade in which they will be considered competitive.

9.7.5     If a decision cannot be agreed upon then option (c) will be applied. Note the options (b) and (c) do not apply to the top age groups in each gender.

9.7.6     The club/s will have until the Wednesday after grading to determine their options. Where either option (a) or (b) has been selected, the Grading Panel will endeavour to assess the change/s in the team structure and their resultant competitiveness.

9.7.7     Any player who has had to change teams and or divisions and or age groups due to the above, is not allowed to return to their original team, for any reason, for the remainder of the season. Any player who does so will be classed as ineligible, resulting in the forfeit of all games the player participated in.

9.8         After grading, all competitions will be reset & ladders renewed back to zero (0) championship points regardless of whether teams have been graded in or out of the division.

9.9         The Competitions Manager has the right to regrade a team after the grading has been completed if they believe a team’s performance is significantly different from that displayed during the grading period.

9.10       If a team is regraded at any time in the season, any points, to a maximum of 1 point per game, will be transferred to the new grade.

9.11       The Competitions Manager reserves the right to regrade a team at any time.


10.0   Player Eligibility


10.1       Within the registered club, the first team in which the player participates for that season, post grading & not as a fill in, determines their team & grade.

10.2       Playing up refers to a player playing in a higher grade, not in a higher age group. Players are allowed to play in a higher age group in any division as a fill in player.

10.3       A player may play in grades higher than his/her normal grade in the same age group for a maximum of 5 games, after which the player may not revert back to the lower grade.

10.4       Players may only play in one team if a Club has (2) teams in one grade in the same age group.

10.5       The exception to this rule is that players in Boys Division 5 or below or Girls lowest level division can fill in for another player in the same division of the same club to make a maximum of 6 in a team. Players can only fill in for a max of 3 games across the season in any particular team in the same age group & division.

10.6       Players are allowed to play for a different club or school in another age group with both clubs/school & SDBAL approval.


10.7       Players must not fill in for two teams in the same division on the same night/day of competition. Players are allowed to fill in for different teams in the same division if they are on a different week & all the above criteria are met.


11.0 Representative Players


11.1       Representative teams can submit a team into the competition, but they must play up an age division unless otherwise agreed upon by clubs & the SDBAL & they are not eligible for finals no matter where they finish on the ladder. Representative teams must seek permission from SDBAL before nominating their team into the competition.

11.2       Unless a written exemption has been granted by the Competitions Manager, representative players must be playing domestic within the SDBAL in order to be eligible to play for SDBAL in the SQJBC competition. Any representative players found not playing domestic within SDBAL will be suspended from their position within the representative program and removed from their representative team (without notice) until they are registered and playing in a domestic competition. Representative coaches will be instructed not to play these players until they are playing for a junior club or senior domestic team.

11.3    Representative Player Points System

11.3.1   The points system is about developing players of all levels by way of trying to ensure competition between teams is as equal as possible.

11.3.2   A representative player is defined as having played in the SQJBC competition (or player transferring from either NQ/CQJBC in the 12 months prior to the commencement of a season.

Representative players will be determined on selections made in the most recent Representative season, which is to encompass a period of 12 months prior to the commencement of Round 1 season proper of the Junior Club Competition.

Southern Districts association will provide associated clubs representatives with a current list of rep players 4 weeks prior to the conclusion of the winter season for constructing teams in the summer season and again four weeks prior to the conclusion of the summer season for constructing teams in the winter season.

Players identified by the association will carry the rep points outlined in 11.3.4 as they appear on the list. However, in the instance of a player aging up and being named in two different age groups on the association list they will carry the points of the higher age group.          Representative players from other associations are to disclose their representative selection to their associated club.


11.3.3   All teams nominated into a season must abide by the points system detailed below.

For the Winter season:

  • U12 will be based off the previous calendar year representative
  • U14 will be based off the current calendar year representative
  • U16 will be based off the current calendar year representative
  • U18 will be based off the current calendar year representative

For the Summer Season:

  • U12 will be based off the current calendar year SQJBC
  • U14 will be based off the current calendar year SQJBC


Note – U14’s aging up to U14’s in the Summer season carry their U12’s rep points.

  • U16 will be based off the previous calendar year SQJBC
  • U18 will be based off the current calendar year SQJBC

Note – U18’s players aging up to U18’s in the Summer season carry their U16’s rep points.


11.3.4   A team that plays players totalling more points than allowed by below will forfeit the games they played and incur the associated fine for each forfeit.

Classification and points to be as follows:

  • SDBA Spartans players regardless of final SǪJBC division – 5 points
  • Premier League players from other associations – 5 points
  • ǪSL and YL players not on the SDBA Junior Rep spreadsheet – 5 points
  • SDBA Titans players regardless of if the team makes Premier League – 4 points
  • Southern Cup players from other associations – 4 points
  • SDBA Trojans players regardless of final SǪJBC division – 3 points
  • Challenge or Development Cup players from other associations – 3 points

11.3.5   Representative players receive these points regardless of being top age or bottom age & no matter which association they are from.

11.3.6   Representative players receive these points regardless of being top age or bottom Maximum points per team are as follows:

i) Division 1 is an open division, and no points will be allocated. However, teams are not permitted to have more than 3 x Division 1 association Representative players. Spartans’ players are those listed in the Division 1 teams provided by the association for team construction.

ii) Division 2 teams cannot exceed than 18 points

iii) Division 3 teams cannot exceed than 12 points

iv) Division 4 teams should not have any representative players


11.3.7   Teams who have bottom age players receive full points (not half points). Players playing up an age division (e.g. an U14 player playing up in U16s or above) do not accrue any points.

11.3.8   Clubs can apply for an exemption from the points cap for representative players who are loyal to their respective club to get a reduction in points for those players.

11.3.9   Any players who have played at a particular domestic club for 4 (four) years or more can apply to be exempt from full points.

11.3.10 A loyalty exemption does not permit a club to exceed 3 x Division 1 association representative players in a team.

11.3.11 Any player who changes domestic clubs will be reverted to full points until they can be eligible for an exemption again after 4 (four) seasons with their new club.

11.3.12 Clubs need to contact the Competitions Manager prior to the start of the Grading period to seek any player exemptions in particular teams.


12.0 Finals Eligibility – Teams


12.1       The final standings after all rounds will be determined primarily based on the number of competition points earned. Competition points will be allocated on the following basis:


Situation Premiership Points Game Points
Winning team in any game 3 points Per tablet
Losing team in any game 1 point Per Tablet
Each team in a drawn game 2 points Per Tablet
Any team recording a bye 3 points 0
Any team that forfeits a game (including deemed


0 points 0
Any team where opposing team forfeits (including

deemed forfeits)

3 points 20
Both teams where non-finals games are cancelled due to a power strike, water on court, player unable to move due to injury or any such cause beyond the

control of the Competitions Manager


2 points

0 or per Tablet – depending on at what time during the game the

cancellation occurs


The final standings after all round games will be determined primarily on the win percentage of each team.


Tie Breakers: Two Way Tie


12.2       If there are two teams that finish equal at the end of the regular season playing schedule, then only the result(s) of the game(s) between the two teams involved will be used to determine the final placing in the regular season standings. This is determined first by win loss then by points scored by each team in the respective game(s).

12.3       In the event that the total points scored and conceded are the same in the games between the two teams, the classification will be determined by POINTS PERCENTAGE (i.e., Points For ÷ Points Against × 100) taking into account the results of all the games played in the League by both teams.

12.4       Tie between three or more teams i.e. If more than two teams are equal in the final standings, points percentage will be used considering only the points for and points against from the games between the teams who are tied.

12.5       If there are still teams tied, the placing will be determined using POINTS PERCENTAGE (i.e., Points For ÷ Points Against × 100) from the results of all their games played in the Division.

12.6       If at any stage, using the above criteria, a multiple team tie is reduced to a tie involving only two teams, the procedures in Part (1) and (2) will automatically be applied.

13.0   Finals Eligibility – Players

13.1     Prior to the commencement of all games across the season, a representative from each team must mark on the tablet all players that are present and available to play. The referees will do a head count to confirm that the number of players able to play for each team is consistent with the number of players listed on the screen. A player does not have to take the court but must be in uniform and able to enter the game at any time.

13.2     In order to be eligible to play in finals, a player must have played half plus one (rounded up) of the total number of rounds for their registered team in a stipulated season.

13.3     For the purpose of counting games played for finals eligibility;

i) A grading game counts as a game played.

ii) A bye counts as a game played.

iii) A forfeit received counts a game played.

iv) A forfeit against does not count as a game played for the purposes of calculation

13.4     If a player is granted a transfer during the season, he/she must play sufficient games to qualify for finals.

13.5     Any new players registering for a team during the season must also play a sufficient number of games from the time they start to meet the requirement above. i.e. if there are 12 rounds in a season (so eligibility is set at 7 games) any new player in order to qualify for finals must play their first game by round 6 in order to play the necessary number of games to play finals.


13.6    Injuries


13.6.1   Where a player is injured during the season, they can obtain finals eligibility for the games missed by producing a Medical Certificate (or notification of an impending medical certificate) for approval by the Competitions Manager. This request must be submitted by the Monday of the final round of the season and within 21 days of the injury occurring.

13.6.2   Exceptions for those injured after the Monday of the final round will be allowed, subject to presenting a Medical Certificate to the Competitions Manager.

13.6.3   Players will not be eligible to play any games for the period of time prescribed in the Medical Certificate. In order to commence playing within this period, a letter from a medical practitioner, clearing them to play, must be provided. If a player plays a game while still within the period defined on the Medical Certificate, he or she will be declared an illegal player and the game will be forfeited.

13.6.4   Where obtaining a Medical Certificate is difficult to achieve within the 21 days, the Club Registrar can notify the Competitions Manager by email identifying the injured player and advising the date by which the Medical Certificate will be provided. Credit for games missed due to the injury will not be given if the Medical Certificate is not provided by the advised date.


13.7    Extenuating Circumstances


13.7.1   Upon written application from the Club Registrar to the Competitions Manager, consent may be given to allow a player to play in finals where he/she has not met the necessary criteria due to extenuating circumstances.

13.7.2   A team can replace any player who has qualified for finals but is injured/ill and has a Medical Certificate.

– The club can request a player be brought up from a lower division if the team qualified for finals has 5 or less players due to injury or illness.

– The player brought up must not be in a team competing in finals & must have played enough games to qualify for finals in their original team.

– The Competitions Manager may also nominate the next most eligible player or another player to replace an injured player.

Where a team only qualifies five (5) players, no extra players will be allowed.

14.0   Uniforms


14.1     All Players must wear distinguishable numbers as part of the uniform. Players may not participate in a game when wearing the same number.

14.2     Acceptable playing numbers shall be: 0,00 and 1 to 99.

14.3     A team shall forfeit two (2) points for every player who is not in the correct uniform to a maximum of (10) ten points. The penalty is to be applied if the player has already taken the court. The penalty cannot be applied after the last three minutes have commenced.

14.4     T-shirts are permitted to be worn under singlets if they are the same colour as the predominant colour of the singlet, black or white.

14.5     Players shall not wear equipment (objects) that may cause injury to other players.

14.6     The following are not permitted:

  • Finger, hand, wrist, elbow or forearm guards, casts or braces made of leather, plastic, pliable (soft) plastic, metal or any other hard substance, even if covered with soft padding.
  • Objects that could cut or cause abrasions (fingernails must be closely cut).
  • Headgear, hair accessories and

14.7     The following are permitted:

  • Shoulder, upper arm, thigh or lower leg protective equipment if the material is sufficiently padded.
  • Compression sleeves of the same dominant colour as the shirts or
  • Compression stockings of the same dominant colour as the shorts or black. If for the upper leg it must end above the knee, if for the lower leg it must end below the knee
  • Full length compression garments are permitted to be worn. These must be the same predominant colour as the teams shorts or black.
  • All compression garments must be the same colour (i.e. must be all black or all same colour as the predominant colour of the uniform) No alternate or different
  • Knee braces if they are properly
  • Protector for an injured nose, even if made of a hard
  • Mouth guard of any colour
  • Spectacles, if they do not pose a danger to other
  • Headbands, maximum five (5) cm in width, made of non-abrasive, unicolour cloth, pliable plastic or rubber.
  • Any solid-coloured transparent taping of arms, shoulder, legs

14.8     Correct uniforms shall consist of:

  • Tops: To be of the same colour /colours, legibly numbered back and front with matching trim.
  • Shorts / Briefs: To be of the same colour /colours, and length (No longer than knee length). Shorts are to have no pockets, exposed zips or buckles. Players are not permitted to wear their Spartans representative shorts for any domestic games
  • Footwear: Must be sports footwear with non-marking
  • Jewellery: Earrings: Only studs are allowed if they have recently been pierced. These studs must be adequately taped & the player plays at their own risk. All other earrings (including established studs) must be removed. All other jewellery such as nose rings/studs, belly rings/studs, bracelets & necklaces, fitbits etc cannot be worn on court.

14.9     Where two teams of the same club meet in a game, it is the responsibility of the away team (team listed second – Team B) to ensure it has alternate club tops i.e. Belmont Wolves versus Belmont Saints – Belmont Saints is responsible & will forfeit the game if alternate club tops are not worn.


15.0                  Game Rules

15.1                    Timing – Grading and Regular Season


15.1.1                  A game shall consist of two twenty-minute halves.

15.1.2                  Each team will receive 2 timeouts in the first half & 2 timeouts in the second half.

15.1.3                  No time outs are permitted in the last minute of the first half or in the last 2 minutes of the second half in games where the clock is not required to not stop (margin 20+ points).

15.1.4                  The clock shall stop in the last two minutes of the second half for all whistles if the margin is under 20 points. Therefore, if the margin is 20 points or more, the clock will run as per usual.


15.2                    Timing Finals


15.2.1                  Finals games are played under the same conditions as above with the exception that the clock will stop for all time outs and a time out is permitted in the last minute of the first half.

15.2.2                  If the result at the end of regulation is a draw in a finals game, then 3 minutes of e                            extra time will be played.

15.2.3                  If the score is still tied after extra time, a further 3 minutes will be played until a result can be reached.

15.2.4                  All fouls and timeouts will carry over into any extra time period. Teams will receive one (1) time out during each extra time period.


15.3                     Ball Size


15.3                       The Basketballs to be used in the competition will be as follows:

–              Under 8 & Under 10 – Size 5

–              Under 12 (Boys & Girls) – Size 5

–              Under 14 (Boys & Girls) – Size 6

–              Under 16 – Under 18 (Girls) – Size 6

–              Under 16 – Under 20 (Boys) – Size 7


15.4                     Free Throw Shooting Line


15.4.1                   Teams will go to the free throw line for two (2) bonus free throws once the opposition team has reached 8 team fouls for the half. The bonus free throws are not enforced if the 8th team foul or beyond is a team offensive foul or a technical foul.


15.4.2                   The U10-U12 free throw line will be from the small line marked closer to the rim than the main free throw line.


15.5                     Scoresheets/Courtside


15.5.1                   The scoring app will list all of the team’s active players within the “Add Players” section. Only players who are registered in that specific team will appear. Teams must be updated in Basketball Connect prior to a game in order to be listed in the team list.

15.5.2                   Teams who wish to add additional players to their team must have them added by Club Delegates electronically via Basketball Connect login.

15.5.3                   Any additional players must be added into the team list and then added to scoring app prior to half time. Only players with an active BQ and SDBAL membership are eligible to be added to the game.

15.5.4                   If a player’s names do not appear they are not an active player in the club and are not permitted to take the court.

15.5.5                   Failure to adhere to these rules will result in loss of premiership points as determined by the Competitions Manager.


15.6                     Unforeseeable Acts


15.6.1                   If non-finals games cannot be played due to a power strike, water on court, player unable to be moved due to injury or other such cause beyond the control of the Competitions Manager, these games will be declared a 10-10 draw.

15.6.2                   Finals games will be rescheduled at the discretion of the Competitions Manager.

15.6.3                   Should games be cancelled at short notice (i.e. at the venue) all players of the team will be accredited a game played. This applies to both the team giving and receiving the forfeit.

15.6.4                   Where the decision to cancel the game occurs after the completion of the first half, the scores at the time of cancellation will stand as the final score. Where it occurs prior to the completion of the first half the game is not deemed to have been played and both teams are awarded a 10-10 draw. This does not apply to players or team officials being disqualified or fouling out.


15.7                    Score Bench Personnel


15.7.1                   Each team shall provide one competent Bench Official (Scorer or Timekeeper) for each game in which the team is engaged. The Referees will start the clock, at the scheduled commencement time. Where the Scorers are not in position to commence, one (1) points will be given to the opposition for every minute or part thereof that the Scorer is not in position.

15.7.2                   If, after 10 minutes of the scheduled start of the game, no scorer or coach is in attendance, the game will be declared a forfeit against the offending team.

15.7.3                   Scorers must be at least 15 years of age.


15.8                    Discussions with Referees


15.8.1                   The competition does not recognise the concept of Team Captains. Therefore, only the Coach may approach a Referee during the course of a game.


15.8.2                   In the case of U20’s games, clubs can appoint a “player/coach” where a coach has not been appointed & they must be made known to the association by the Club & make themselves known to the referees before each game. The player/coach must be over 18 YO.

15.8.3                   Assistant Coaches can be in attendance, but only one person may stand, and Assistant Coaches cannot approach the Referee/s.


15.9                    Forfeits – unnotified


15.9.1                   If a team does not appear with at least four players by the 10-minute mark of the scheduled time of commencement as shown on the fixtures, then the game shall be declared a forfeit and no premiership points shall be awarded to that team. The game shall be awarded to the opposing team and the score recorded as a win by twenty points to nil.

15.9.2                   If both teams fail to appear with at least four players within 10 minutes of the scheduled starting time, then both teams will have given a forfeit and the game shall be declared a nil all draw and no premiership points awarded to either team.

15.9.3                   A team shall be liable for a fine for each forfeit given (commonly called a Notified Forfeit Fee) at the rate prescribed by SDBAL Management (refer Fee Schedule).

15.9.4                   Any team, which gives a forfeit in two or more games during the season, may be disqualified from the competition.

15.9.5                   Teams late to the court or who have not added their players to scoring app or the scoresheet shall be penalised one points per minute or part thereof. After ten minutes a forfeit will take effect.

15.9.6                   All players of the team will be credited with the missed game as qualification for finals.


15.10               Forfeits – notified


15.10.1                A Forfeit Fee to the offending Club will be reduced (refer Fee Schedule) where a team has prior warning that a forfeit will occur and notifies the competition via paying the forfeit fee via the Teammo app.

15.10.2                It is responsibility of the team or club to submit a forfeit via the Teammo app.

15.10.3                All players of the team will be credited with the missed game as qualification for finals.


15.11               Acceptable Defence

15.11.1                In the interest of junior basketball development, man-to-man defence must be played in U8s, U10s, U12s, U14s for the full game.

15.11.2                Zone defence can be played at any time in the U16’s, U18’s, U20’s and Youth League competitions.

15.11.3                Under the principles of correct man-to-man defence, players may sag off their player to a “help” position and be in a position to guard their player should they receive the ball.

15.11.4                Players may set up in a full court or half court zone press but must fall back into man-to-man principles once the ball gets into the quarter court.

15.11.5                Each defensive player must guard a player of the offensive team – you must know who you are guarding e.g., know your opponent’s number.

15.11.6                It is not stipulated that teams match up full court – half court is satisfactory.

15.11.7                Where a team plays half court man-to-man, all players must remain behind the centre line and pick up their player as they cross the line, any defence forward of the centre line will be deemed to be in a press in this instance.

15.11.8                Failure to comply with this rule:

–              An official warning by the Referee Supervisor or Court Controller

–              After one warning, a technical foul will be called on the offending bench.

–              If a third offense occurs during the same game, the game will be forfeited to the opposition team.

15.11.9                It is the responsibility of the Court Supervisor and/or Referee Supervisor to police the No Zone Rule.

15.11.10             These rules do not apply, when a team has less than five players on the court.


15.12               Mercy Rule


15.12.1.               In the interest of junior basketball development, the mercy rule may be invoked where the margin between the two (2) teams is twenty (20) points or more.

15.12.2                Once a 20-point margin is reached, the coach of the trailing team is to be asked (by the referee and/or supervisor) whether they wish to have the Mercy Rule invoked. The coach of the trailing team may change their decision at any stage later in the game should they wish.

15.12.3                Where the Mercy Rule is invoked, the leading team must retreat behind the 3-point line until the trailing team and the ball has progressed over the halfway line after every made basket or throw in.


15.12.4                The Mercy Rule does not apply for Division 1 games on Friday nights in addition to U20 Boys and Youth Girls games.


15.13                  Under 8 Specific Rules


15.13.1                Premiership points are accumulated; no finals will be played.

15.13.2                Games will be played on a half court with lowered rings.

15.13.3                A game shall consist of two twenty-minute halves. The clock shall not stop in either half.

15.13.4                Zone defence is not allowed in Under 8’s competition.

–              A coach is allowed to walk on to the court during the course of play providing:

–              They do not interfere with the flow of play or cause unnecessary delay in the game.

–              They do not cause interference in either the line of sight or direction in which referees or players are operating within.

–              They do not initiate conversation or make contact with a referee or opposition player.

–              They conduct themselves in a professional and friendly manner.


15.13.5                In circumstances where it is deemed by the match referees that a Coach has breached these guidelines, the referee(s) will be required to:

–              Explain to the coach where it is deemed the coach has breached the guidelines.

–              Provide the coach with a warning without applying a penalty.

–              Ban the coach from entering the court for the remainder of the game for any subsequent breach.


15.14                  Under 10 Specific Rules


15.14.1                Games will be played on a full court with lowered rings.

15.14.2                A game shall consist of two twenty-minute halves.

15.14.3                The clock shall stop in the last two minutes of the second half for all whistles if the margin is 10 points or less.

15.14.4                No time outs are allowed in the last minute of the first half of the game or in the last 2 minutes of the second half if the clock doesn’t stop (where the margin is more than 10 points).

15.14.5                Zone defence is not allowed in Under 10’s competition.


15.15                  Technical Fouls


15.15.1                Any player who receives a technical foul shall result in the player being substituted from the game immediately, irrespective of the score, the number of players on the court or time remaining in the game. The player can re-enter the game after a minimum of five (5) minutes and after the next available substitution opportunity.

15.15.2                Any coach who receives a bench technical will need to vacate the playing area for five (5) minutes of playing time. The coach can return to their teams’ bench once the five (5) minutes of game time is up.

15.15.3                If the team doesn’t have a team manager, then a parent can sit on the bench in place of the coach for the five (5) minutes he is not allowed in the playing area.

15.15.4                Any player or coach that receives two (2) technical fouls in a single game will automatically be disqualified and ejected from the stadium.


15.16                  Player or Team Disqualification


15.16.1                Once disqualified, a player or players must leave the stadium and are not permitted to return or enter any other SDBAL venue for the remainder of that day.

15.16.2                Players under the age of 18 that are disqualified during junior competition are allowed to remain in the mezzanine or foyer of the stadium or in the vicinity of the canteen until collected by a parent.

16.0   Tribunal Process


16.1        To understand the rules surrounding the Tribunal Process, please refer to Attachment 1 of this document.

17.0   Blood Policy


17.1        To understand the rules surrounding the Blood Policy, please refer to Attachment 2 of this document.

18.0   Extreme Heat Policy


18.1        To understand the rules surrounding the Extreme Heat Policy, please refer to Attachment 3 of this document.

19.0   Working with Children

19.1        To understand the rules relating to the Working with Children Policy, please refer to Attachment 4 of this document.

Age Calculator
Note: The Age Calculate date requires you to set the date to the 31st of December in which the season concludes.

The Summer 2023/24 age cut off date is the 31st December 2024.

The Winter 2024 age cut off date is the 31st December 2024.